Contact Me
Have a question?
Write me at budgetingbabe (at) yahoo (dot) com. I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.
I am available for media interviews and public speaking engagements. Please see my bio for sample interviews and articles.
I also am interested in working with brands to reach my awesome readers through referral programs, giveaways, discounts, and sampling, especially for products that appeal to women ages 18-40. I’m particularly interested in services and products related to finance, travel, health and wellness, fitness, and beauty. I prefer to work with products and sponsors I believe in and actually use, so I reserve the right to ask a lot of questions before agreeing to anything.
I’m also interested in getting to know other personal finance bloggers and exploring collaboration opportunities.
Sorry, I do not accept text link advertising, sponsored posts written by other people, or guest posts. Please do not email me regarding text links.
Thank you for your interest and I can’t wait to hear from you!