Charleston Hotel Success on Priceline
Instead of hitting the gym last night, I hit up the web to book a hotel for my upcoming weekend in Charleston. I’m taking my man-friend to celebrate him FINALLY finishing law school and taking the bar exam (which he takes in SEVEN DAYS). Poor dude’s been spending 24 hours a day in this apartment [...]
My Retirement Account Becomes A Financial Drama
I find out my January retirement savings contribution is $0.00… um, what?
Total Impulse Buy: Desktop Humidifier
Guys, I’m having MAJOR financial issues this week related to benefits and retirement and paperwork and computer systems. In short, I’m a financial disaster lately. Well, not a disaster like a hurricane or a terrible earthquake where people die and horrible tragedies occur, but more like a really bad windstorm that knocks the shingles off [...]
NYC Here I Come
Peeps, I’m headed to the East Coast this weekend for a little girls’ time with my cousins. One of them lives in Brooklyn and works for NYU, so I’m staying out there for free. Couch crashing is the best way to budget travel! I may get to post from the road, but if not, have [...]
Snowed In in Oak Park
Totally snowed in today! We have 18 inches of snow, so I’m working from home. Haven’t been outside yet today, but here are a few pics from my balcony UPDATED: Here are a few pics from around my neighborhood:
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