Labor Day Finance Articles – Read All About Personal Finance!
Posted on September 2, 2008 3 Comments
The new Carnival of Personal Finance is up at One Caveman’s Financial Journey, and this week’s includes the Sallie Mae articles by yours truly. For those of you who haven’t polished your PF (that’s personal finance) glossary yet, it’s basically a magazine written by real people on all topics related to personal finance: career, investments, debt, credit, budgeting, etc.
The Carnivals are great, because if you’re used to just reading my blog, it introduces you to a whole new world of writers with different points of view. When I hosted it in July, I noticed that while a lot of women writers focus on budgeting and saving, almost all the writers talking about investments were men. If you’re ready to branch out and learn more about the world of personal finance, the Carnival is a great place to start.
Kudos to One Caveman for a really nice layout. I know it’s a TON of work to host these things, and to put such a delicious design on top of the editing is simply phenomenal!
Category: Old Posts
3 Responses to “Labor Day Finance Articles – Read All About Personal Finance!”
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September 2nd, 2008 @ 11:33 am
Wow, I quickly checked out this link and am very impressed. I’m looking forward to returning to it today (after kids go off to school yeah!) and reading some more.
Thank you.
September 2nd, 2008 @ 8:14 pm
Hey its Anon again– I asked the relationship and finiance question. I have another question/comment!!!
How can we as people be so fiscially irresponsible? Now I am no saint when it comes to personal finiance, but I am trying. I am saving more than I ever have and I am learning more about this stuff all the time. It seems to me that there are quite a few people out there who do care about finances and who are really trying to “get it together.” But, then I read articles about millions of people who have debt, yet continue to live as if they don’t. Honestly, I don’t get it. Now that I am “on the path to enlightenment” (jk) it is becoming more and more frustrating that people are sticking their heads into the sand.
November 10th, 2008 @ 5:12 pm
it is a good financial article.