Why Net Worth is My Sassy Gay Best Friend

Net worth is a funny concept. You can have a huge house, glam wardrobe, luxe car and a fancy lifestyle, but a low net worth. Alternatively, you can live in an apartment with minimal swank, have no car, stay in often and have the highest net worth on the block.  You don’t need a PhD [...]

Net Worth Update… Good News Edition

Spring is here, the market has been looking up lately and I’m in need of some good news to prevent me from starting another ridiculous project. Time for a net worth check in to help me refocus on my goals. The first time I checked my net worth in February 2006, it was a whopping [...]

A Net Worth Update – With LOTS of Good News!

It’s been a while since I’ve updated you guys on my goals, accomplishments and my net worth, so without further ado, here you go. I’ll call this “What’s new with The Budgeting Babe?” NEWS!!!!!! 1. I’ve been promoted to Vice President at my job! This is a hugely significant career milestone for me and a [...]

"What am I Worth?" Update

In January, I completed my first net worth inventory. Slightly neurotic, I was concerned that a negative net worth would devastate me, equating all my hard work (academic and career-wise) to nothing – or worse. Despite my apprehension, I completed the exercise, made suprisingly easy at www.networthiq.com. In January, my net worth totaled a whopping [...]

Determining My Net Worth

What are you worth? There’s a classic scene on Sex and The City where super chic Carrie tries to buy her flat, only to realize she has no savings because she’s spent $40,000 on shoes over the years. While Carrie could have been building up her personal finances, she poured her earnings into footwear, leaving [...]

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