How To Network

What does networking mean to you? Happy hours with people you can’t stand? Costly seminars that don’t yield much information? Really fun parties with food and drinks? Whatever your view of networking, it’s essential for any job seeker in this economy, at least in my neck of the woods. Those with full-time jobs, like myself, [...]

New Chapter, New Job!

Blank pages. I often associate them with the negative (as in writers’ block). But I recently made a decision to leave my agency job, where I had worked for eight years, in favor of a new position with a new company. I put in my notice, worked my last two weeks, took a two-week vacation [...]

Long Live the Internship?

While I’ve written a bit about the downside of student loans, there’s another questionable practice eating away at the pocketbooks of my fellow “Student Loan Generation” compadres.: the unpaid (or barely paid) internship that’s become standard for college students and now for graduates, too. In order to get a foot in the door of the [...]

Turning Down a Job

We are frequently defined by our jobs. For instance, where I live, social status is often defined by job title. When meeting someone new, people tend to ask, “What do you do?” But lately I’ve been thinking…what can jobs we’ve turned down in the past tell us about ourselves, about who we hope to become? [...]

Sudden Job Loss

Losing your job is never fun. But it could be disasterous if you don’t see the loss coming or are unprepared financially. Tribune writer Carolyn Bigda listed four solid points of advice in her weekly column “Getting Started” that everyone should read. I’ve pasted her article below. Before pasting her article, I’d like to reemphasize [...]

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