Technology: A Necessary Evil when Traveling Overseas

Technology is a necessary evil. As much as I would have liked go completely off the grid on my trip overseas, I brought two major pieces of technology with me on the trip: my iPhone 4S, and my Nikon D60 DSLR camera (with two lenses).

Italy Costs

Some of you asked me how much my Italy trip cost. The honest truth is that I don’t yet know the true cost of the trip. Several elements factor into that: The trip was a gift to my mom. Therefore, I started putting money into an account for her about 5 years ago. The first [...]

Mama Mia! Thoughts on Italy

I’ve never seen my parents happier.

Italy in a week!

Hello old friends. We leave for Italy in a week. I’m sorry I haven’t posted much since my last note, but you would not believe how much work is involved in planning a European getaway for eight people – sette adultos e uno bambino. We have so many issues! A crib for my nephew, two [...]

Italy is Booked!

My brother and I have been saving for a few years to send my parents on a trip to Italy, a lifelong dream of my mother’s. Her father was born in Italy, and she’s always talked about going. So, more than two years ago, he and I opened a savings account and started putting money [...]

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