What I did during my blogging downtime

Posted on July 5, 2012 3 Comments


Completed two triathlons. One sprint (pic below) and one International/Olympic distance, both local so no major travel expenses.

2012 Naperville SheRox Triathlon

… While I did not get any faster on the bike this year, with the aide of my wetsuit, and lots more practice in Lake Michigan, I managed to knock a full seven minutes off my mile swim time!  I was pretty happy with that.

Kayaked in the Fox River. We’ve kayaked on probably 10 occasions, and I always make man-friend rent a double kayak with me. This time, we rented singles. And aside from being a LOT slower than man-friend, I did just fine. Here are a few cell phone pics:

Kayaking in the Fox River


Man-friend and his kayak


Saw a LOT of my family. We’re talking like three parties a weekend. It got ridiculous. So we decided we needed a break from it. By… hanging out with each other more. In small groups. Here’s a few of us girls, minus our parents, significant others, kids, and pets. Notice all the sweets. We are so our grandmothers.

Round the dinner table with family.


Hung out with my boo-bear. One day my nephew will be too big to snuggle. That time is not now though.

My cutie pie nephew


Also went to some free street festivals, visited with friends, saw some live music, and spent a weekend in Grand Rapids Michigan.

My last post was about finding strength and resilience, and supporting the people you love. But you can’t do that if you can’t find a source of strength and drive within yourself, and the activities I’ve been keeping busy with are about finding my center and staying focused on what matters, as well as for stress relief. I’ve tried to keep a positive attitude, fill our days with fun and smiles, and focus on what’s important. And you know what? Despite all the craziness, I’ve managed to have a pretty great summer so far.

Things I did not do over the past few months? Drive myself crazy window shopping for things I can’t afford (no time!), feel sorry for myself, or spend too much time living outside the moment — as in, worrying about where I will be five years from now or where I should have been if only things had gone differently. Living in the moment is about discussing options, making the best decisions I possibly can, then moving on and not dwelling on what could have been had I taken the other path. There are far too many exciting things happening every day in this beautiful world to spend one minute thinking otherwise.

Category: Old Posts


3 Responses to “What I did during my blogging downtime”

  1. Adam Hathaway
    July 6th, 2012 @ 12:45 pm

    Well said BB. It is so hard to live in the moment and not get wrapped up in thinking about your past/future too much. Nothing can be done about the past so why fret over it.

  2. Missie
    July 7th, 2012 @ 10:16 pm

    Excellent, Nicole.

    And once again, this is what I see drive my mom crazy — she does the “would have, could have, should have” dance and also the “what will happen in 5 years” mambo. While one does need to consider things down the road, one will, as you said, only drive one’s self nuts doing the “what if” game.

    Good job improving your swimming time!

  3. Shannyn @frugalbeautiful.com
    August 4th, 2012 @ 5:45 pm

    You are a rockstar! I am so inspired by you!

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