One Wish List Item Bought
For those of you following my Selfish Little Wishlist, it’s now one item shorter. I bought a wetsuit! If you can believe it, renting one can cost anywhere from $40 to $65 for an entire weekend. I was kind of surprised by this, since you can rent them right outside my office on Lake Michigan [...]
A 15-Year Reunion Amidst 11 Years of War
Jazz hands, yearbooks, and nametags, oh my. Make way for the class of 1997. Spirit fingers waving, I attended my 15-year high school reunion this weekend with a small crowd of fellow classmates. We roamed the halls of the school — which sort of looks like Hogwarts, as you can see from this photo — catching up [...]
How Not to Handle Your Student Loans
Last week the Chicago Tribune posted an article on the ticking time bomb that is student loan debt. They called it the next “economic doomsday scenario” and then they profiled a 2007 grad who is having trouble paying her student loans and keeping her financial commitments. For those of you graduating this year, I want to [...]
A Diagnosis, at What Cost?
I *might* have celiac disease. I am definitely sensitive to gluten. The treatment for both of these conditions is a gluten-free diet. The diagnosis for celiac requires a specialist visit and an endoscopy, an invasive procedure that requires anesthesia. My physician says that based on my family history, she doesn’t need a celiac disease diagnosis to tell [...]
Budget Travel Friday: St. Louis, Missouri
Today’s photo inspiration comes from another Midwest city: St. Louis, Missouri.
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