Posting from the Road
Posted on March 23, 2012 3 Comments
Hi everyone. This week has been a total blogging FAIL. I’ve been at a work conference in beautiful Palm Springs, California (which is most certainly NOT a budget travel destination), and time has been so tight all week that I haven’t been able to do one measly post! I really thought I would have more time, so I didn’t create any articles ahead of the trip. I don’t get back to Chicago until Saturday night and then I have a race on Sunday morning, but after that I promise to put up some new stuff. I’m sorry for the lapse – I just honestly expected more free time than we’ve had so far.
The conference itself, the American Association of Medical College’s professional development conference for communicators (otherwise known as the GIA group) is fabulous; I’m learning a lot and meeting new peers, feeling inspired about my work and passionate about the cause. I’ve said this many times before, but I feel very lucky to have stumbled into a career that I truly love. Ten years after graduating from Bradley University, I still enjoy the vast majority of my working days and for that I’m very grateful. If you’re a student thinking about a career in communications, marketing, or public relations, feel free to post questions about the field here and I’ll be happy to answer them either in the comments or in a future post.
Category: Career
3 Responses to “Posting from the Road”
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March 23rd, 2012 @ 11:02 am
Hopefully you find a little bit of time to enjoy yourself out there!
March 24th, 2012 @ 12:15 am
Conferences are awesome for networking, so you have bigger fish to fry then your lovely blog. We, your loyal readers, will still be here when you get back
Having a career that you love is pretty huge. You should be very proud of that.
March 29th, 2012 @ 11:04 pm
Thanks Alison and Jefferson! It ended up being just awesome. Then I came home Saturday night and had a big race on Sunday… took me a few days to recover. Thanks so much for your support!