Mid September Update

Posted on September 17, 2011 2 Comments

Mid-September has brought a cool, crisp change in the Chicago weather. The change occurred so suddenly I haven’t yet had time to change out my wardrobe, so I’m wearing an odd mishmash of summer and winter clothing at the moment. We’re not sure the weather will stay, either, so every day I’m wearing lots of layers just in case it warms up a few degrees. I can’t believe I haven’t bought any new Fall clothes yet; I’m holding off until I can unpack last year’s outfits from their rubbermaid bins before I buy anything new. Not so easy because the shops are full of cute Fall clothes, but necessary because of the expenses I incurred recently for my car, chiropractor, and home A/V. And because I want to go on my ski trip in January.

September has brought other changes, too. My dad retired this week, and me, B, my mom, brothers, sister-in-law and nephew joined him on a Wednesday morning at 7 a.m. to celebrate. He works midnights, so 7 a.m. is his regular “happy hour.” It was great to meet all his co-workers and share in his joy, if not a bit odd to be drinking beer and eating pizza and meatballs when I’m usually waking up. But such is the life of a shift worker. I will be interested to see what he does with his “new chapter” in life. Right now, the possibilities are endless. Plus, I think he’ll get a little bored just sitting at home after the newness of retirement kicks in.

My dad’s retirement has me thinking a lot about my current situation and that of an entire generation of workers missing out on years of savings due to unemployment or underemployment. I’m in a good place, but I admit, even though I’m saving at all the recommended levels, it’s difficult to imagine a situation where I ever will be able to retire comfortably. And with B being SUPER underemployed right now and not saving at all, it just adds another level of concern. Moreso, I worry that my youngest two brothers, in their mid-20′s with no real work experience, tons of loan debt, and no savings, will continue to be a drain on my parents finance and eventually on mine if the trendline continues. I love them dearly (and I know they sometimes read my blog because they helped create it, so I hope this doesn’t offend them) but if I stop to think about their situation for too long I become immensely panicked and uncomfortable. There’s nothing I can really do about it, other than what I’ve already done (helping with networking and resume building), and I have no real responsibility for them at the moment, but it’s scary to think that they could be 30 and have no full-time employment history. From this vantage point, it’s best to take it day by day and not worry too much about it. Eventually, they’ll find work. They have to. Eventually they’ll all find work.

And eventually they’ll retire, too. I hope there will be some sort of infrastructure ready to support those for whom this economy has simply crushed and those who are missing prime years of personal savings, not because they want to, but because the work isn’t there. But now, it’s best to focus on today, because we simply can’t control the future, no matter how hard we hope and try.

Category: Life


2 Responses to “Mid September Update”

  1. Missie
    September 18th, 2011 @ 4:04 am

    I wish your dad much happiness and enjoyment in his retirement, and yes, “time of day” is rather relative, given shift work and/or date/time lines.

    “It’s always 5 o’clock somewhere!” ;) LOL!

    Times like these, the Scarlet O’Hara “I’ll worry about that tomorrow” philosophy seems to be the best. *sigh*

  2. Long Term Unemployment Predictions « Design. Build. Play.
    September 20th, 2011 @ 4:27 am

    [...] 8% in the 1970s and was 15% in 2009 while probably greater now. The Budgeting Babe just had a post mentioning how youth unemployment affects her personally: Moreso, I worry that my youngest two brothers, in their mid-20?s with no real work experience, [...]

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