Considering this weekend (and my taxes) conquered

Posted on April 18, 2011 6 Comments

Taxes are done, with the help of TurboTax. It took about three hours and I wanted to pound my head against the wall several times as I was retrieving paperwork from every random place in my house, but they’re finally done (hallelujah). Since I used Turbo Tax for both federal and state taxes, it ended up costing about $75 to use the program (I don’t qualify for the free version). Seventy-five dollars is a lot of money. I want to say I’ll see what’s cheaper next year, but I’m sort of roped in to using Turbo Tax since the program conveniently stores all my information electronically, the user interface is so thorough, I’m used to the program, and I just really like the process (when I can find all my own paperwork). I think actually could have scored a free license through the Turbo Tax marketing team if I would have done a promotion on the blog and on Twitter, but I didn’t get around to it (see my previous post), and I didn’t want to take advantage of the freebies without running the promo. So, $75 down the drain because I am an unmotivated procrastinator. Ugh.

The good news is that I’m getting enough of a tax refund to pay for our plane tickets to attend a wedding in California in June. Napa and Carmel, here we come!

And, now that I know the tax refund will cover the plane ticket, I have FINALLY selected an itinerary for the trip and will be booking tonight. (I was also procrastinating that process in hopes prices would drop. They won’t.)

Finally, I imported a triathlon training plan into my workout calendar and committed to a date for my first Olympic Distance Triathlon. Something else I’ve been putting off. This is good as the discipline and sheer exhaustion of tri training usually helps keep my spending in check during the summer.

I’m not sure what the cause was for all the sudden motivation, but I’m glad to be done with all these decisions. I’m considering this weekend conquered.

Category: Money


6 Responses to “Considering this weekend (and my taxes) conquered”

  1. Stephanie
    April 18th, 2011 @ 3:42 am

    Were you able to use any discounts for TurboTax? Many financial institutions provide discounts on Federal and sometimes State. And some of them don’t even require you to have accounts with those banks.

    So that’s what I did. I think I got my discount for TurboTax through Fidelity.
    I also think I’m kind of roped into continuing to use it, too, since it’s pretty easy and it stores all my info.

  2. The Budgeting Babe
    April 18th, 2011 @ 2:17 pm

    Oh man, no I didn’t! And I use Fidelity. Bummer. I will have to look next year.

  3. Trish
    April 21st, 2011 @ 8:19 pm

    I’ve used for the last six years or so. I think it has cost a total of $30 doing up to three states plus federal! I wonder if it can import TurboTax data?

  4. Jack
    April 23rd, 2011 @ 8:29 pm

    I am a horrible procrastinator for a lot of things. I have started taking one day a week and making it my anti procrastination day. I do things I have been putting off on that day of the week. So far it is working really well for me.

  5. The Fire Finder
    April 26th, 2011 @ 5:46 pm


    I just got my taxes done and thank God. I am so excited to be getting like $5000 back. Man, we need it. It is good to be back on your blog. I was away for awhile writing for infobarrel but I am going to try to keep up.

  6. Missie
    April 26th, 2011 @ 10:47 pm

    Trish, I’m a big fan of TaxAct, as well — couldn’t be easier.

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