Welcome to 2011…Goal-setting starts now.

Posted on January 2, 2011 1 Comment

Peeps, I rang in the new year on Friday night a little too festively – I’m still totally hurting! We had a lovely evening starting with dinner at a cute local grille called Barclay’s, where I enjoyed shrimp cocktail, salad, bacon-wrapped pork loin and mashed sweet potatoes in a maple syrup -yum!- and then settled in for the night at Poor Phil’s, our local tap that functions as an extension of our living room.

I planned on taking it kind of easy, and even told the bartender I needed to pace myself (he kept filling up my water all night – Phil’s has the best bartenders in the world), but we were there from 8 p.m. to midnight, a friend who recently moved away showed up unexpectedly and, frankly, this lightweight just couldn’t handle all the fun. I was done by the time we raised our glasses for the champagne toast! Aside from the wicked two-day hangover, we had a wonderful night, great beer, and a lot of tasty food. It was an excellent celebration to close out a relatively uneventful and happy year.

So now that I’m still feeling horrible from Friday night and worn down from basically two weeks straight of holiday gatherings, it’s time to think about getting serious again, both in my budget and my fitness, for 2011. I’ll be taking time tonight to evaluate my finances, set my savings goals for the year and set up my race and travel calendars. On the racing front, I plan to do an Olympic distance triathlon and a half-marathon this year (if I can get through the season healthy). Travel-wise, I have four trips planned for the first half of the year already (to Charleston, New York, Michigan and San Francisco); I just need to reconcile my racing calendar with those and I’ll be all set.

If you haven’t noticed, I’m a very goal-oriented person. Setting goals early helps me stay disciplined all year through, so I don’t end up tired, hung-over and hating life on a regular basis. I know some people are more go-with-the-flow, but for me, being regimented works best to keep me happy, healthy and worry-free in terms of finances. What about you? What kind of goal-setting do you do around January 1st? Are you more regimented or flowy in your plan to achieve your goals?

Whatever your strategy, good luck on reaching your goals in 2011!

Category: Life


One Response to “Welcome to 2011…Goal-setting starts now.”

  1. Kiki
    January 3rd, 2011 @ 11:01 pm

    Thanks! Same to you!

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