What Makes a Budgeting Babe?

Posted on December 11, 2008 9 Comments

As I’ve been thinking more about the mission of my site, and about my readers and my friends, I though I’d take a moment to define what a Budgeting Babe is and what we stand for. Sure, the name might seem kinda fluffy and the site is pretty in pink, but there’s definitely a deeper mission underneath: to help women better understand their own finances and spending patterns, and learn how to increase their net worth.

So let’s talk for a minute about what it means to be a Budgeting Babe. I asked this question in September during my first-ever giveaway and got some amazing responses. But until now, I’ve never really spent the time to come up with a list of characteristics (other than those that described myself in 2006 — one of my favorite posts). So tonight, as winter snow blankets the Chicago area and I have a few seconds for some quiet introspection while curled up on my couch, it’s the perfect time to contemplate some of the attitudes and attributes that may describe parts of Team Budgeting Babe. Here’s my attempt. Not all of these will apply to you, but some of them may be universal…

– Until recently for some of us, a few years ago for others, spending money was far more important than saving it. If you asked us what our 401k looked like, we’d probably laugh and say something like, “I don’t even know what that is!” Then we’d secretly fret that we were falling seriously behind, but rationalize it by saying we don’t make enough to save anything. (Insert pouty face here.)

– Now, contrary to our initial spendy ways, we’re focused on making our savings goals.

– We’re career women (or trying to be); our jobs are part of what defines us, and we’re OK with that. Nope, more than OK… we really like it. (But sometimes we wish we worked a few less hours.)

– But we also like to have fun, live in the moment and enjoy life to its fullest. That doesn’t mean going out like Lindsey Lohan every night, but it does mean a full social calendar – from nights out with the girls to family gatherings to volunteer work to just plain ol’ galavanting around.

– We’re travelers, because nothing makes you really appreciate what you have until you see how everyone else lives. And because after all that work and serious social activity, a girl’s gotta unwind sometimes.

– Having nice things is far less important than living each day for the experience.

– We don’t spend more than we make (anymore) and don’t use credit for frivolous purchases (anymore).

– We read, we watch movies, we see shows, we love music and we totally get the online world.

– US Weekly may not be required reading, but gosh is it fun after browsing depressing financial news on NYTimes.com or WallStreetJournalOnline.com.

– We’re workin’ on our fitness… Health and well-being are top priorities for us. (And yet, why is there never enough time to make it to the gym during the week?)

– Though we really want to learn about our finances, sometimes financial books can be pretty intimidating and frankly kind of boring. Still we try to slog through PF literature.

– We’re OK talking openly about our finances, and we wish our best ladyfriends were, too.

– We’re total suckers for sales.

– We’re still (groan) paying off student loans.

– But we avoid going into major debt.

– We may not have the best apartment/home/condo on the block, but we don’t spend much time in it anyway.

– Buyers remorse? Not quite sure if that describes the feeling of running back to the store to return what was destined to be your “new favorite thing” less than 24 hours after you bought it.

– We’re learning to speak our minds and share our knowledge.

Category: Life


9 Responses to “What Makes a Budgeting Babe?”

  1. Anonymous
    December 11th, 2008 @ 3:34 pm

    Thanks for the post! You nailed it!!! We are all just 20 somethings trying to make it in a grown up world!!!

    Thanks for all you do, I love your blog!!!

  2. Flick
    December 17th, 2008 @ 2:19 am

    I’ve been checking in on your blog here and there, but I just saw this post and it is so right on. You very eloquently stated everything I feel and now I feel like I’m reading someone’s thoughts who really gets who I am and how I live / approach life. Thanks for that, I look forward to your posts in the future!

  3. Esperanza
    December 17th, 2008 @ 9:58 pm

    AMEN to that!! LOVE your Blog :)

  4. Kimmy B.
    December 18th, 2008 @ 6:48 am

    I’m so excited and happy that I found your blog. I really enjoyed this post. So many women (including myself) feel this way. When it comes to personal finance, we often times feel alone. The truth is we’re not. I love the blogging community because I’ve realized that we are definitely not alone. I haven’t included anyone in my blogroll just yet…guess what? I’m including you! I look forward to future posts.

    Kimmy B. “The Prosperity Blogger”

  5. Anonymous
    December 18th, 2008 @ 12:07 pm

    I actually find parts of this post quite disturbing. I am all for women taking control of their destiny and finances etc – but there is a lot more to life than being defined by your career or having a full social calender and shopping. Actually the post made me feel inadequate, being an unemployed professional and not having a circle of friends etc. And shopping, sorry I dont “get” shopping or shoes.

    Young women need to stop trying to emulate the sex and the city thing – sex and the city is fiction! Real life is not like SATC. Stop trying to emulate it – that terrible programe is not about the emancipation of women, quite the opposite if you actually think about it.

  6. Nicole
    December 20th, 2008 @ 3:27 am

    Thanks for your comments! And so glad to find such warm and engaged readers.

    Just a quick word to anonymous…I would kindly encourage you to read the post again. It’s actually not about spending. It’s more about having goals, spending time with those you love, making a difference in the world and learning who you are.


  7. Karissa Dee
    December 26th, 2008 @ 10:21 pm

    I’m a post-Budgeting Babe, being in my thirties, and mama to a little kid. But almost everything on your list still applies :)

  8. Kay
    January 10th, 2009 @ 12:42 am

    A handful of these don’t apply to me, but I think I fit enough of them to qualify I hope! :) I do like your blog and look forward to more great content in ’09.

  9. Carrie
    February 19th, 2009 @ 3:24 am

    OMG! I just stumbled upon your blog today and LOVES it!!! This post is me to a T (give or take a few things of course). I love your blog and plan to follow it! I love the header, too!

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