A Fond Farewell to A Crazy Year… 2008 in Review

Brilliant or flat broke, I think most people will be happy to say au revoir to 2008. Like a Peter Jackson movie, it feels like it’s taken for-eva to end, and I get the general sense that most people in my community are terribly worried about their own future and that of their loved ones. [...]

What Makes a Budgeting Babe?

As I’ve been thinking more about the mission of my site, and about my readers and my friends, I though I’d take a moment to define what a Budgeting Babe is and what we stand for. Sure, the name might seem kinda fluffy and the site is pretty in pink, but there’s definitely a deeper [...]

Did you read this? "Tightwad Ethics"

Did you guys see this article last week in BusinessWeek? The Ethics of Being a TightwadAmid the economic slump, don’t feel bad about putting saving ahead of spending. In fact, it’s unethical to squander money you can’t afford to spend I’m thankful for the post. Although I’d love to allow myself to spend more under [...]

Tips for Caring for Your Pet when Your Wallet’s Skinnier than your Skinny Jeans

Those of you who read The Budgeting Babe regularly know I have a particularly soft spot for los animales. I have a fabulouso turtle named Betsey and a saucy diabetic cat named Nala, both who are total handfuls yet completely worth it. (OK, it helps that B is a superhero when it comes to pet [...]

My New Favorite Word

It’s Recessionista. So cute, right? Thanks to WhoWhatWearDaily for coining the term. Read about it here.

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