My 2007: A retrospective… and a look ahead

Posted on January 20, 2008 9 Comments

Hello darlings! I was looking at some old stuff and I really liked my 2006 rants and raves post, so I’m going to do it again to lay 2007 to rest. Without further ado, here are my best and worst of 2007.


  • Running. I re-discovered my love for running in 2007, and finished three races – one of them was a 10k, my longest distance to date. Although I started out hating the 8 a.m. Saturday morning runs, I grew to excitedly anticipate my early morning jogs up and down the lakefront; they invigorated me and made me feel strong. I can’t wait for the weather to warm up so I can start again. There’s no better feeling.
  • My family. They’re the greatest. Seriously. I may be guilty of taking them for granted in the past. But being a part of my brother’s wedding showed me how loving, supportive and just plain awesome they really are – everyone from my parents and brothers out to my extended family. I’m the luckiest girl alive to have them in my life.
  • Driving. For the first time in my life, I’m comfortable behind the wheel. Could the oh-so-elusive driver’s license be in my future? We shall see.
  • Glittens from Ireland. They keep my fingers toasty and I wear them all the time, even though they match nothing I own. I think they’re endearing. Are ya with me? Anybody?
  • Skinny pants. I fully embraced them in 07. I even got the boots-over-jeans (BOJ) look down. Most importantly, I finally have stopped worrying about what my ass looks like in them.
  • Coffee. The return of that is. Oh, how I missed you.
  • Vacations. Ireland; UP Michigan; Madison,Wisc. and of course lovely Peoria, Ill. I managed to get around a bit. I also went to New York, New Jersey, Minneapolis and Cincinnati for work – it’s always nice to get aw
  • Savings. My downpayment savings account hit $20,000 in December. I feel more fabulous than any fashionista.
  • Weddings. For all the carping I did about the cost of dresses, travel, gifts., all the weddings I attended or stood up to were actually a pretty kick-arse time.
  • Amazing Race and 30 Rock. Bright spots in an otherwise horrible TV year.
  • Books. Still getting through a few, but I read and liked “The Bright Forever,” “The Other Boleyn” and “Harry Potter (7)” among others. I was trying to read non-fiction this year, but was drawn to fiction in the end!
  • Facebook. Online scrabble is sweet.


  • Law school. I’m not in it, but it takes over my life just the same. I just asked B what I hated in 2007 and his only answer was “law school.” I guess that sums it up.
  • The housing market. Some days I think I’ll never be able to afford a place. Other days I’m not sure I want a place. I get nervous watching the news about people losing their houses, but then I get grumpy when the government wants to bail them out. It’s just a sore spot for me. But hey, at least it will still be a buyers’ market when I am ready.
  • My negativity. I don’t know why, but I just got super down on my lot in life this year. I pledge not to do that again. Tears do not become me.
  • Inflation. My electric bill costs WHAT? And where’s my change from filling up the gas tank?
  • SPAMMERS. Seriously, please stop ruining the fun for the comment-ers on my site. I love my sage advice-givers, they rock. If your are a spammer, though, I do not want to check out your bankruptcy Web site, your overseas real-estate Web site or your guide to investments online.
  • American Airlines. I don’t think we can be friends anymore. We’re more like frenemies now. You’re always late, you never have any space for me, you don’t care about how I feel and in general, you show me no respect. But my miles are with you, so I’m loyal. But I’m loud and annoyed about it. You’re so not cool.
  • Elf-ish looking short booties (shoes). Are these things still popular? Do they look good on anyone? Make them go away, please.

Phew, that was fun. But it’s kind of difficult to remember what I got all cranky about last year – the good stuff’s easier to remember.

On my goals last year, I can’t quite find the post that mentioned them, so here’s what I believe they were, and how I did:

  • Increase my downpayment savings account to $10k. I’m at $20k, so I totally outdid myself…nice!
  • Decrease my student loans to $5,000. Got it down to about $4,500… so good there.
  • Read more non-fiction. I started several non-fiction books that I have yet to finish. Technically that qualifies as more.
  • Continue contributing to my 401k. I started out the year contributing 6 percent, and now I’m at 7 percent. In actual dollars, I started out my 401K at around $10,000 and ended up at $19,000. Of course that’s down a bit now, but it was a nice gain with a 9.3 percent return over the past 12 months.

My goals for 2008 follow:

  • Increase my house savings account to $30k, or buy a place of my own; whichever comes first (I don’t want to be restrictive if something perfect comes up!).
  • Decrease my loans to $2,500. Actually I’d like to pay them off completely this year, but I want my goal to be realistic and attainable, so I’m sticking with this number.
  • Run a half marathon.
  • Spend more time focusing on my happiness and my personal needs.

I encourage you to set specific, attainable goals to help you achieve your most fabulous self in 2008. If it helps you to share them here, feel free! I’d love to hear them.

Category: Uncategorized


9 Responses to “My 2007: A retrospective… and a look ahead”

  1. HighClassLowIncome
    January 21st, 2008 @ 3:36 pm

    Great post! I have a pair of those ankle booties and my BF despises them! Good luck with your 2008 goals!

  2. frugal guy
    January 21st, 2008 @ 4:27 pm

    hi Nicole

    i think the most important thing in your post was this…
    “Decrease my loans to $2,500. Actually I’d like to pay them off completely this year, but I want my goal to be realistic and attainable, so I’m sticking with this number.”

    the simple fact that you are looking at it from an i would like to but im going to be realistic perspective is very impressive.

    I dont exactly know what the boots over jeans thing is all about but congratulations on not caring what your ass looks like in skinny jeans anymore.

  3. Anonymous
    January 21st, 2008 @ 6:10 pm

    I got glittens for Christmas too, and they are the best. I’ve worn nothing but Irish knits over the past few years. They are so worth the trip over there. Weak dollar or not! :)

  4. boots586
    January 21st, 2008 @ 9:56 pm

    I have been to Ireland, UP and Peoria but not Madison. What are glittens?

  5. change is a good thing
    January 22nd, 2008 @ 4:11 pm

    Great year end review and I love your goals for 2008! Running a half marathon will be an experience you will never forget, I’m cheering you on!

  6. Anonymous
    January 23rd, 2008 @ 7:04 pm

    Don’t you have a good rate on your student loans? If you can earn more (don’t forget the fact that you can deduct interest from your taxes) elsewhere, then you shouldn’t pay off those loans any sooner than you have to, no matter how good it might feel. That money is better used elsewhere!

  7. Dew
    January 29th, 2008 @ 5:27 pm

    Nicole! Try “In a World Lit Only by Fire” or one of Peter Lynch’s books on personal finance. That should kick-start your goal to read non-fiction, even if it’s a year later. Happy reading!

  8. Anonymous
    January 30th, 2008 @ 9:09 pm

    These are great goals which will lead to a successful 2008, I am sure of it! For our family, we are going to try to pay off the rest of our consumer debt, sell our house, and find reasonable health insurance coverage for our impending move overseas. I am most worried about selling the house, but hopefully it will all work out.

  9. karen
    March 3rd, 2008 @ 7:32 pm

    glove twins…yellow for cleaning, glittens for warmth.

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