My last five

Posted on January 15, 2008 3 Comments

I feel pretty good about today’s edition of My Last Five expenses. This weekend I actually turned down a shopping trip on Sunday in favor of reading a weepy Tribune article in my pajamas (and yes, there was weeping involved), and managed to cook most of my meals instead of eating out. Apparently 2008 is turning me into Liz Lemon. In my defense, I was winding down from a busy work-week that was filled with after-dinner drinks, heavy lunches and a lack of sleep… but I certainly predict a more exciting weekend involving bars and nightlife come Friday.

Until then, here you have it, the first 2008 edition of My (rather boring) Last Five. Enjoy!

  • $7.00-ish for today’s lunch. I’m actually embarrassed to admit that it consisted of mashed potatoes, grilled mushrooms, a few pieces of sweet and sour chicken, lomein noodles and a serving of sweet corn. Ahhh, the lunch buffet. If I could take the entire buffet up to my office, I would.
  • $.50 for a banana in the morning, to go with the oatmeal I brought for breakfast.
  • $1.75 for a cup of Dunkin‘ Donuts coffee this morning. The crazy thing here is, they were actually giving away medium coffees for FREE. And I didn’t take it, because I felt guilty that I wasn’t buying anything else. So I bought the coffee when there was free coffee available. I’m still kicking myself. (Though this exposes something else about me; I’ve gone back to the Dunkin‘ Donuts coffee habit every weekday. It’s so hard to go without caffeine during the winter. Decaf green tea just wasn’t doing it. Sorry, “Skinny Bitches.”)
  • $500 towards my student loans on Sunday
  • $21.00 for gas in my mom’s car and a bottled water on Saturday
Category: Old Posts


3 Responses to “My last five”

  1. Amaranta
    January 15th, 2008 @ 4:41 am

    i’m impressed with the $500 payment!

  2. SavingDiva
    January 16th, 2008 @ 4:28 pm

    I would be scared to admit the last five things I spent money on!

  3. Nicole
    January 16th, 2008 @ 4:49 pm

    Come on, share with us!

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