About that last post…
Posted on March 12, 2007 2 Comments
I hope I didn’t give the impression that my cousins live an extravagant lifestyle or that I have hard feelings towards them! They have a beautiful house, but it’s not flashy or filled with non-necessities… they are just super talented decorators and their house has an amazingly unique appeal to it. They do a lot of decorating themselves, and they fill their house with cool treasures they’ve picked up over the years and very professional-looking photography that they do themselves. They are some of the most grounded, nice and caring people I know and I’d feel horribly embarrassed if I made it seem any other way. It was just the phrase in conversation that struck me, that’s all. I love my cousins!
Category: Old Posts
2 Responses to “About that last post…”
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March 15th, 2007 @ 9:14 pm
I hope that my comment doesn’t appear sexist, but it has been my observation that women are more likely to apologize for the possible misinterpretation of the meaning of previous posts than men are.
March 23rd, 2007 @ 3:04 am
I think we’re hardwired to do it