Looking Ridiculous…Sounding Worse
Posted on February 18, 2007 7 Comments
Note to self: The next time I run into Jessica Simpson and John Mayer at a super swanky hotel where I am traveling for business, I must have something fabulously important to say to them. Especially when they are walking out of the elevator that I am walking into, mere inches away from me.
Saying, “I have a lot of bags with me,” in an attempt to awkwardly persuade said celebrity “friends” to leave the elevator so I can carry my luggage up to the room will simply not cut it next time. I must remember that people in fancy hotels use bell captains to bring their luggage up, no matter how awful it seems. Using bell captains probably would help me avoid looking like a sweaty mess with windblown hair carrying 5 bags…complete with laptop, projector and cell phone out and ready for business. That is actually the complete opposite of casual celebrity chic.
Ah, weekend business trips. Nothing like an afternoon brush with fame to remind me of how hard I actually am working for the money… and what a long way I have to go before I actually see it! LOL!
Category: Old Posts
7 Responses to “Looking Ridiculous…Sounding Worse”
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February 18th, 2007 @ 7:45 am
OMG! that’s awesome. i love john mayer.
and don’t sweat it. i’m sure they totally don’t care/understand what non-celebrity people say to them anymore.
February 18th, 2007 @ 12:21 pm
That’s hilarious. Can totally relate- I’ve had several embarassing moments of “trying not to seem awe-struck by a celebrity”, when in fact, I am…and end up saying something profound that ultimately makes me look like a complete idiot in the end. I’m comforted by the fact that they probably don’t care about me or how I look.
So I guess you’re confirming the rumours about those two are true!
February 18th, 2007 @ 4:45 pm
It’s okay. The only thing I can ever say to celebrities is “I really like your show”.
February 19th, 2007 @ 5:02 pm
Nice! Next time you can tell Jessica- “Hi… fyi- hair is so last year.”
February 20th, 2007 @ 1:38 pm
Hi Nicole,
I adore John Mayer, lucky lucky you and great job keeping your wits about you…I’d have melted into the flooring! Sad about the rumours are true though
February 20th, 2007 @ 5:27 pm
The easiest thing to do is simply greet someone with “Good morning (afternoon, evening)” with a smile and polite nod.
When departing, say “Have a good day (night)” or politely nod your intent.
Works for celebs and us regular folks alike.
February 21st, 2007 @ 7:39 pm
Sound advice, CJ!