Purchase Updates

I’ve been really busy with work lately (late nights, weekends, even sometimes I even dream about it), and when I get a free moment I just want to shop. Part of the problem is that my wardrobe no longer fits due to the weight I’ve lost, and part is that there have been really good [...]

Tax Day Advice

April 15 may seem like a long way off, but Tax Day is just around the corner. It’s about this time every year that I drag myself to H&R Block to visit my aunt Mary for her dependable tax skillz. So far, I have about 75 percent of the documentation I need. I’m mostly waiting [...]

Looking Ridiculous…Sounding Worse

Note to self: The next time I run into Jessica Simpson and John Mayer at a super swanky hotel where I am traveling for business, I must have something fabulously important to say to them. Especially when they are walking out of the elevator that I am walking into, mere inches away from me. Saying, [...]

Time Out

Sorry friends. BF’s been using my computer to fill out his law school applications for the fall semester. He’s almost done…I’ll be back soon Until then, know this. My new Calvin Klein coat that I got in November? Broken zipper, Macy’s can’t fix it. Total rip off. Of course it broke during the coldest days [...]

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