Bye bye Vince!

Posted on October 26, 2006 5 Comments

Just got rid of my HBO…no more Entourage! I couldn’t justify paying $144 per year just to watch that show. I’ll rent the DVDs when they come out.

I was considering getting rid of the digital plus package, too, but I couldn’t bear the thought of parting with Heidi and Tim just yet. I may change my mind, though. We’ll see.

Category: Old Posts


5 Responses to “Bye bye Vince!”

  1. udandi
    October 27th, 2006 @ 3:39 am

    Many libraries have popular DVDs so once they are released check your library’s catalog and queue up! Or make a request that they add it to their collection.

  2. personal finance advice
    October 27th, 2006 @ 8:02 am

    Call the cable company and ask them to lower your rate – it works surprisingly well and we have been paying close to half the going rate this way. Of course, getting rid of cable completely will save more…

  3. Anonymous
    October 27th, 2006 @ 10:26 pm

    I had a terrible two weeks earlier this year where I didn’t have access to Tim and Heidi (long story), and I discovered that you can buy the episodes on iTunes and watch them on your computer for $1.99. It was a godsend. I would download them and watch them on my lunch break…is that dedication or just sort of pathetic?

  4. Anonymous
    October 30th, 2006 @ 4:42 pm

    It has got to be fate that I found your site today, the day that I decided that I need to clean sweep my finances and start real time budgeting.

    Being a full time student with a part time job and having rent and all those other joys of bills and credit cards…I’m hoping your site is going to be helpful.

    Nicole – Moncton, NB

  5. Anonymous
    October 31st, 2006 @ 7:41 pm

    My tear came down after I read this. I felt your pain. I did the same to my cable TV subscription. I said to myself this was me. I did that.

    Now I just have the BASIC package, very, very BASIC. With the BASIC package, I watch less TV and read more. This is a good thing.

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