Credit help gets a makeover

Sorry for the self-imposed hiatus lately. Admittedly, I’m struggling to keep a work/life/blogging balance. But, I have still been reading a lot. Here’s a great article I came across on Motley Fool. There are some helpful links at the bottom, too. Credit Help Gets a MakeoverBy Dayana Yochim (TMF School) August 28, 2006 America’s gotten [...]

Making Up for the Little Things

I spent a lot this weekend on a friend’s wedding: new shoes, new dress, hotel room and wedding gift. I may also have felt a certain gratitude for the amazing skils of my server Dario (the greatest wedding server ever) and may have given him a $20 tip. So of course I felt guilty today [...]

Saving the Universe, One Tube of Clinique at a Time

Fear not. My weapons of mass destruction were effectively destroyed at approximately 7:50 a.m. CDT at O’Hare International Airport, 1000 West O’Hare, Chicago IL 60666. Items seized follow: 1 tube of Crest toothpaste 1 stick of Dove deodorant 1 bottle of Garnier shampoo 1 bottle of Garnier conditioner 1 large-size tube of Neutrogena clarifying facial [...]

Buying a House in Your 30′s

Given my recent posts about student loan debt and real estate, I thought you’d be interested in this piece by Jonathan Clements at WSJ online. I found it at Yahoo’s new Money Guide for the Young, which is a fabulous resource. In fact, it’s chock-full with articles that will be of interest to you all. [...]

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