Mission Impossible: Getting people to see the movie
Posted on May 8, 2006 9 Comments
The press is all aghast today that MI:3 didn’t do as well as expected during its opening weekend. It’s interesting to read, given that Brian and I almost went to see a movie this weekend (“Thank You for Smoking”) and ultimately decided against it. I used to see movies nearly every weekend. Now I can’t tell you how long it’s been since I’ve been to the theater.
Here are a list of reasons why I stay away from movie theaters, despite the fact that I absolutely love movies:
1) The theater experience is too expensive. After years of seeing movies at $6.00 with my student ID, adulthood suddenly asked me to pay full price – nearly $9.00 – to see a movie. Coupled with the $4.00 small beverage and other heavily marked-up concessions, it can cost $25 for my party of two to see a flick.
I remember going with my three brothers, my parents, aunt and cousins on hot summer days to see Disney movies when I was little. Can you imagine the price now?
2) I’ll catch it on Comcast. Why go to a theatre crowded with loud, popcorn-crunching strangers (all with their cell phone ringers on) when I can see the same movie in my living room for much cheaper, sit on my comfy, stick-free couch and enjoy a glass of wine and chips with hummus in perfect quiet? Plus, I don’t have to wait a whole year for movies to hit my living room any more… they’re often on Comcast three months after their theater run.
3) The last movies I’ve seen in the theater have been really, really bad. I loved the book, “Memoirs of a Geisha.” Yet I found myself apologizing to Brian after the movie was over because it was so poorly done. Maybe I’ve just been catching bad ones lately, but it’s so difficult to tell what’s good and what’s bad when studios make everything LOOK like a million bucks and are promoted everywhere. How can you tell?
The best movie I can remember seeing over the past year was probably “Finding Neverland,” which I saw in my living room. When it was in theaters, I don’t remember anyone saying anything about it. (Speaking of Kate Winslet, how great was she in “Eternal Sunshine?” That’s probably my favorite movie of the last five years.)
4) Are theaters getting crappier? I’ve been to one where the sound was broken, one where the lighting couldn’t be dimmed, and several where the theater was not cleaned after the previous show. It’s kind of hard to suspend disbelief when you can’t hear or see the screen properly.
5) Is TV getting better? If I have nothing to do with my Sunday afternoon, I’m more likely to watch an entire season of Entourage than go see a show. Even at matinee price!
All that said, I am looking very forward to seeing some new releases on Comcast. I watched previews for “A History of Violence,” “The Constant Garndener,” and “Walk the Line.” All looked good. Plus, we’re getting Capote, Squid and the Whale and Brokeback Mountain soon. I’ll probably watch MI:3 when it comes to cable/on demand, too… after all, I do love JJ Abrams and all things spy related.
Category: Old Posts
9 Responses to “Mission Impossible: Getting people to see the movie”
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May 8th, 2006 @ 9:44 pm
Those are all very valid reasons, but I think theaters would best be improved by bring back USHERS … and “Thank You for Smoking” is a very smart, very funny flick .. rent it
May 8th, 2006 @ 10:22 pm
I’m with you on this one – I think I saw a movie before christmas but I can’t even remember what it was!
Netflix (or the equivalent) is great and my folks have movies on demand on cable, so I can go over there and watch the latest stuff (probably the same as the Comcast you have over there).
Movies over here (Australia) are way too expensive too. I’d rather spend my time and money at home with a big group of friends and home-made popcorn
May 8th, 2006 @ 11:23 pm
I’m one of the very few people who went to see MI:III this weekend – however, I was treated to the movie and snacks by a friend as a birthday present. If that hadn’t been the case, I would have still gone to the movie if it were (1) a matinee and (2) omitting the in-theater munchies.
By the way – I do highly recommend the movie. It was fantastic!
May 8th, 2006 @ 11:38 pm
Speaking of snack foods..
Sam’s club sells a yummy hummus.
Trader Joes sells miniature tacos in the frozen food section that tastes great. For cinco de mayo, I had a glass of sangria to compliment this mini meal.
And since you’re skipping the movies, try splurging on a $4dollar Lindt-creme brulee-chocolate bar from Cost plus!! MMMM…Really yummy! (while you watch your movies at home!
May 9th, 2006 @ 5:58 am
i went to see Mission Impossible. With the student discount the tickets in San Diego are 9 bucks.[not that i got it anyway].
i remember paying 4.5 for a movie upto 1997 years ago with a student id.
the local edwards 18 is awesome with stadium seating. makes it worth it. i remeber the summer of 98 i probably saw 2 dozen movies in 3 months. now i’m lucky if i see 6 movies a year in the theatre.
May 9th, 2006 @ 5:12 pm
I still love seeing movies in the theater, but now instead of seeing them every weekend, I see them maybe once every 6 mos.
May 9th, 2006 @ 7:47 pm
“Walk the Line” was excellent. (And I’m not a Johnny Cash fan.) We rented it last month. The theaters near us still have $5 matinees, and one even runs a special where you get popcorn, a drink and your movie ticket all for $5.50. Of course, if you’re us, you still have to pay a babysitter $5 an hour to watch your two little kids, so we still do more renting than going out!
May 10th, 2006 @ 11:34 am
I will watch movies in the movie theater and will buy snacks there I am willing to pay the price for a movie and snacks now days. I am not willing to see Tom Cruise (not an actor I like). IF IT’S CALLED MISSION IMPOSSIBLE WHY DOES HE ALWAYS WIN AT THE END!!!
May 11th, 2006 @ 4:54 pm
I used tp go to the movies almost everyweek. When I lived in Toronto we had some great budget theaters and the price was just right. Then I started to go through the TV listings and tape movies and watch them when I have a chance. I even got rid of the cable read about that on my blog.
Also I have been getting many free business and trade magazines from
to have much time left for TV or movies.