I am weak

Posted on March 31, 2006 14 Comments

I am weak, budgeting friends. I felt completely BLAH yesterday…fat, pimpley, ugly, stressed and old… so I went shopping last night. And shop I did. (And today, I feel much better – young and springy and vivacious…what IS that?)

At Marshalls and Target (aka Urban Outfitters on the cheap), I bought 2 pair of work pants, several new undergarments, two new shirts and a pair of shoes. My old clothes just weren’t fitting right, and looked really outdated (most of my Spring clothes are 4 years old because I bought them when I was first out of school).

I don’t know why the blahs arrive, but when they do, nothing really satiates me until I go shopping. Maybe it’s biological due to the change of seasons – like a caterpillar into a butterfly, I need a new shell, a new look, for the Spring. With flowers and trees blooming all around, I want to feel renewed, fresh, too. Maybe it’s because my little brother just got engaged and I need to feel young. Maybe it’s because I’ve been strapped to my office chair for 10-12 hours each day for the past week and I just needed a change of pace. Whatever the reason, my blahs are over. Done. Finito.

Today, the warm winds of change are blowing in Chicago. Spring is here. The sun is out. And my blahs have been officially chased away for about $100… which is probably less than it would have taken a shrink to produce the same effect.

Category: Old Posts


14 Responses to “I am weak”

  1. Frugal Homemaker
    March 31st, 2006 @ 4:38 pm

    Ahhh yes. I get this sometimes. My solution is to hit the thrift stores and consignment shops. It gives me the thrill of the hunt, and if I find something, it does not kill the budget too much.

    Why does shopping make one feel better? WHY?!?!

  2. c
    March 31st, 2006 @ 4:43 pm

    It sounds like you got a ton of stuff for $100. I think a few wardrobe updates per year need to be budgeted into every spending plan. If you would have spent $500, I’d say maybe you were weak. But $100? Sounds like you were a mighty bargain hunter…

  3. mapgirl
    March 31st, 2006 @ 5:15 pm

    A little retail therapy is ok when it fits into your budget. So did you break your budget with this foray? $100 sounds ok to me.

  4. Anonymous
    March 31st, 2006 @ 10:51 pm

    There’s something in the air. I’ve been in the blah’s myself. Haven’t been able to get jazzed about money, budgeting, or anything else, but yet itching to do… something.

    Perhaps a small bit of retail therapy is good.

  5. Chitown
    April 1st, 2006 @ 12:52 am

    LOL. Today was a very beautiful day out — albeit a little windy. I totally understand the Chicago blah’s. I cannot wait for Spring and Summer. BTW…you could have done a lot worse. Gotta love Marshalls!

  6. Workingmom
    April 1st, 2006 @ 1:29 am

    You’re not weak (as I open my box from anntaylor.com) … you didn’t spend your rent, insurance, food money, etc. – if it only takes $100 to cheer you up for the season, then you did great! Happy spring!

  7. Anonymous
    April 1st, 2006 @ 1:36 am

    You got all of that for $100?!?! Not bad at all– that’s *my* kind of shopping. And since you hadn’t purchased new spring clothes in awhile, I think these purchases were justifiable. Plus, you know you will get a lot of wear out of them.

  8. D.Fernandez
    April 1st, 2006 @ 3:26 pm

    I think you did well for $100.
    Every now and then we do need that occasional splurge, otherwise all work and no play makes any frugal budgeter one angry and resentful person. It’s one thing if it’s occasional, it a whole other thing if it’s all the time.
    Well done. I don’t see that as weak at all. I view it to be realistic and I’m a single mother with five kids and I still find time to get the occasional treat, otherwise, I’d go nuts!!!

  9. MLH
    April 1st, 2006 @ 11:33 pm

    Both my mom and my late father grew up poor, and they taught me everything I know about living frugally!

    But…my mom has also taught me that it’s okay–and also important–to treat yourself to things at times, as long as it fits into your budget. Sounds as though you got lots of great things for $100–don’t you just love Target? :-)

    Hubby and I can save money with the best of them, but we also treat ourselves to little “extravagences” sometimes, too.

    You’re not weak–you’re just human!

  10. Single Ma
    April 2nd, 2006 @ 1:58 pm

    LOL @ “Marshalls and Target (aka Urban Outfitters on the cheap)” This is classic!

    Shopping is my therapy of choice. I’m amazed at what you did with $100! I sure would like to see the shoes you picked up. *wink*

    *shakin my head* yea she’s fabulous…

  11. LeoMom
    April 3rd, 2006 @ 2:22 pm

    I WISH that I could save money. I enjoy reading the comments and you certainly make me think about what I’m spending and HOW I’m spending. I do not have much, but I can’t seem to think about anything but spending on my children, grandchildren, parents, home…..and lastly myself. WHAT’S WRONG WITH ME???? I do love Target and Marshalls – too much!!

  12. Chai
    April 5th, 2006 @ 1:31 am

    omg, im going through the EXACT same thing. i have five windows opened right now to five different stores. i want to go online shopping but i am holding back to save money…yet, i can’t help myself from indulging. ugh….the dilemma of spring…..

  13. Anonymous
    April 5th, 2006 @ 12:46 pm

    I am the same way with retail therapy! At least you are spending a reasonable amount and buying needed items. Of course this is total pot kettle as I adore shoes and upbraid myself for purchasing new ones at DSW.

    I have an ingrained habit learned from my mother, who grew up without a lot, to only buy clothing and shoes on sale unless it is a discount store like Marshalls. The only times my mother deviates from this is for something she needs like a fofmal dress for an event.

    I am simultaneously obsessed with couture fashion and sticking to arbitrary limits on what a pair of pants or blouse should cost.

    *And*, I’m relocating to NY and hoping to work in some fashion related publishing, goodness knows how I will get the wardrobe for that.

  14. KT
    April 11th, 2006 @ 7:31 pm

    Purchasing items for ourselves always makes us feel good, nothing wrong with that, we just need to keep it in balance. I was speaking with Kathryn Merritt the other day about this and that is what she teaches as well. You need to set aside money every month just to blow. Money that you can just have fun with! Definitely a necessity.

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