Stocking Up
I’d like to preface this post with a word of caution. Any good writing teacher will advise you to “write what you know.” In other words, me writing a novel about child-rearing probably wouldn’t be great to read. Likewise, a blog called “The Budgeting Babe” written by a shopaphobic male probably wouldn’t be widely accepted [...]
Start Fresh, Start New
“Every day is a new day and it’s a chance to start over and clean the slate.”- Gabrielle Reece I’ve received many comments lately from readers who say they’re new to budgeting and saving. But for everyone who visits this site and vows to reform, there are probably 10 who just can’t commit. Well, friends, [...]
Auf Wiedersehen, 2005!
Forgive me for the title. I just discovered Project Runway on Bravo and, like Santino, was inspired by Heidi Klum’s catchprase. Now that 2005′s just a memory, it’s time to set my goals for 2006 and reflect upon the last 525,600 minutes (“- how do you measure, measure a year?”). In January, I laid out [...]
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