Scooting a Lost Post

Posted on August 24, 2005 8 Comments

Well I just typed for an hour about a really good weekend only to have lost my entire post because the Hilton Cincinnati disconnected my Internet without telling me. I unfortunately don’t have time to type it again, though I assure you it was entertaining. Sorry.

Instead of reading about my life, here’s a cool article about how people are buying scooters to save on gas. How freakin’ Budgeting Babelicious would I be on a Vespa? If only I lived in Cali!

Scooters emerge as cheap remedy for pump panic
Associated Press
Published August 23, 2005

PIERRE, S.D. — Gasoline pushing $3 gallon? Why worry? Buy a motor scooter like thousands of other Americans and stretch that single gallon of gas a week or more.

“As people start driving them, they start finding more reasons to use them,” said Doug Day, owner of Scooter Centrale and Vespa Hartford in Plainville, Conn. “They’re practical, easy to park and get great gas mileage. I put $5 worth of gas into mine when it’s totally empty, compared to $50 in my SUV.”

As gasoline prices soar, the popularity of peppy, fuel-sipping motor scooters–most easily get 50 miles per gallon and some of the smaller ones get up to 80 m.p.g.–is soaring.

Sales, estimated at 86,000 last year in the U.S., have doubled from 2000, according to the Motorcycle Industry Council.

Read the article here:

Then visit Vespa here:

Category: Old Posts


8 Responses to “Scooting a Lost Post”

  1. savvy saver
    August 24th, 2005 @ 1:05 pm

    Vespas are so cute! They are really popular here in Madison, especially on the UW campus. I would consider buying one if my commute wasn’t so long. One of our neighbors bought one a year ago, but he bought it more as a toy than a transportation alternative.

  2. Jeff
    August 24th, 2005 @ 5:57 pm

    I almost considered getting one to save on subway costs, but one important factor ruled it out as a possibility: weather. I don’t want to be riding a scooter in the snow or during a rainstorm, and showing up to work drenched isn’t the best idea. I’m glad I don’t have to pay gas prices, though.


  3. tershania
    August 25th, 2005 @ 2:05 am

    I live in Los Angeles and commute 33 miles each way in a Camry. I’ve thought about getting a Vespa, but I don’t think it’d be wise for commuting purposes, maybe to use for running errands closer to where I live. They’re a great alternative to driving the cars around though.

  4. Jose Anes
    August 25th, 2005 @ 7:03 pm

    For cities is a good alternative to a car.
    Cheaper parking, cheaper gas.
    Less space.

    Money and Investing

  5. tdfb
    August 25th, 2005 @ 10:00 pm

    Like tershania, I commute 45 miles to work (in a vanpool!) so a Vespa really isn’t an option. :)

    With regard to your lost entry…that’s why I write 95% of my posts in a word doc first, save it and then copy/paste it into a new entry on my blog. The timeouts have killed my entries before and it just irritated me to no end. Plus it’s an automatic backup.

  6. Caitlin
    August 27th, 2005 @ 2:07 am

    Vespa + cool pair of shades…and you can shout “ciao! ciao!” as you ride by ;)

  7. Nicole
    August 28th, 2005 @ 8:00 pm

    We’d ALL be cooler on a Vespa, I think :) Ciao, ciao!

  8. Anonymous
    August 30th, 2005 @ 5:25 pm

    Can someone explain why you would want a Vespa over a motorcycle (except for the fact that they’re cute?). Aren’t they just as dangerous? My commute is only 5 miles, so I have no excuse. ;)

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