Two Tone Toes

Posted on August 19, 2005 6 Comments

I love my friends. They are my sanity, my sisters, pieces of me. And, of course, they also provide me with endless laughs.

Here’s a story from one of my friends that I found hilarious. She is most definitely a Budgeting Babe – she just moved, bought a house, started a new job and is trying to pay off her law school debt. Such big stress factors in anyone’s life require tons of fiscal prioritizing and savvy.

On top of all her financial concerns, Christina is, of course, trying to make a good impression on her new co-workers and boss. Here’s her story, written for her decidedly non-legal-minded friends.

“I work for the appellate court, which is a little bit (more formal) than trial courts, and we normally wear suits every day. It used to be custom in the Southern states not to hold court in the summer months due to heat – so, we still don’t hold court from May-August. However, the staff attorneys continue to come in all summer…”

“Since there are no judges or outside attorneys in the building and we’re not in the courtroom, we can dress casually. Some people here wear blue jeans or capris like every day. Not being judgmental, but that’s just not for me. I’ll dress down on Fridays and maybe one other day a week, but I prefer to wear business casual, Ann Taylor/Limited type outfit most days.

Well, we all sit at one big table to eat lunch, and the others were kind of joking about ‘when the new girl would realize that she didn’t need to dress up anymore’. (I had been here like a week). I told them politely that I’m one of those people who is either at home in sweats or else I’m probably going to be “dressed up.” In fact, I only own two pairs of blue jeans, because I just am more comfortable dressing this way for work.

That day I had on this beautiful Ann Taylor pink sun dress with a pair of matching pink heels.

So, I finished lunch and began to walk away when I looked down and realized, for the first time at 1:30 p.m., that I was wearing my pink shoe on my right foot, but a tan shoe on my left foot!!

I had been trying to pick which shoe to wear that morning and left one of each on to decide, forgot to change before I left and walked around like that all day. I went back to the lunch room and announced my mistake and everyone was like, “Yeah, I noticed, but I just thought that you thought that looked good.” I WANTED TO DIE.

So, then I go for my first big meeting on my first project I’d finished with my boss. I figure I can walk in, sit down and pull my chair up real close by her desk so that she can’t see my shoes and I look really interested. Well, I walk in and she’s all “Come on, let’s sit on the couch to discuss this”….so, I had to bite the bullet and announce that I was, in fact, wearing two different shoes. She literally walked out from behind her desk, looked at my feet and laughed out loud. Oh, the horror. She’s like the nicest boss I’ve ever had, so it was just funny … Sooooo embarrassing. “

Ah, Christina. Reminds me of my zipper problem. At least we can see the humor.

Category: Old Posts


6 Responses to “Two Tone Toes”

  1. Jose Anes
    August 22nd, 2005 @ 12:18 am

    These things happen.
    Not to stress too much about it :)

    Money and Investing

  2. Anonymous
    August 23rd, 2005 @ 9:34 pm

    Your friend is lucky if her biggest letdown in life is the embarrassment of mismatched shoes. On the other hand she looks like she’s on the right track with the job and new home and everything.

  3. Nicole
    August 24th, 2005 @ 1:53 am

    I bet she wishes that her biggest letdown in life involved shoes, too! She’s actually one of the most interesting, colorful people I’ve ever met. And she’d be terribly embarrased to know I used this story, of everything, in my blog. But she absolutely is on the right track!

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