JK Rocks
JK Rowling has an amazingly robust imagination, but I wonder if she ever imagined this: She is now the richest woman in Britian, worth approximately $1 billion (more than the Queen!). Read the article here. Rowling’s on top of her game with a new Harry Potter book, new baby and new look. Don’t let anyone [...]
Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness
Phew! Nothing like a post on semantics to shake things up, huh? Thanks to everyone for commenting on Sunday’s post. I’m headed to DC for work this week, and will try to post before my return. Meanwhile, have a read at this entertaining and timely article from the Money Pants team on a financial independence [...]
Within My Means
As the world of personal finance blogging grows, I’ve seen the phrase “live within your means” used as advice several times (here, here, here and here, for example). A Google search alone turns up more than 16,000 hits. I think the sentiment is beneficial, but the phrase may be cliche. When a helpful phrase becomes [...]
Temporary Health Plans
Temping between jobs? Still searching for your place in the “real world” after college? Internship lacking benefits? If you are temporarily between benefits, reasonably-priced health care insurance options exist. Check out Sandra Block’s Your Money column in USA Today for more details about temporary insurance plans. According to her article, Humana and eHealthInsurance both offer [...]
Goal Setting Works
Holy crap. Goal setting works. I decided to do a mid-year status check on my financials today because I felt pretty down on my budgeting self. I’m tired of saving with no break. Tired of religiously checking my online statements. Tired of no vacations. Tired of being so “good.” I’m young. I want to go [...]
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