Spring Fever

Posted on April 30, 2005 9 Comments

It’s late April in Chicago. People who don’t have seasons may not understand the enormity of this situation. Late April means I will wear flip-flops even if it’s 40 degrees, I will grill outside even if I can see my breath rise from my lips, I will go to a baseball game dressed for a blizzard to sit in the stands and cheer my team on while shivering in the cold. Summer, warmth, is so close you can almost taste the foamy beer, the sweet barbeque sauce, the smoky Bratwurst; you can almost smell the fishy lake, the sweaty sunscreen of beach volleyball and nature hikes; you can almost feel the rays of delight warm your back.

We feverishly pack away our sweaters, long johns, wool socks, hats, scarves, mittens, turtlenecks and heavy coats in favor of tee-shirts and capri pants, swimsuits, sarongs and tank tops. We awake each morning to stare longingly at the sky, hoping the sun will break through, provide some relief from the cold greys of the past. We cheer on the trees…”Grow, little leaves! Sprout, tiny buds!”

Like Cubs fans, disappointment only breeds more hope – summer will come one day. So with each day that passes by, we delude ourselves a little more. “If I buy these sandals, I’ll be able to wear them soon, I just know it!” “Summer’s just around the corner, time to stock up on lime green shirts and watermelon pink shorts – if I wear them, it will feel more like summer!”

Those of us unbridled by familial restrictions, who have been patiently waiting out old man winter with a steady diet of indoor workouts, new prime-time television shows and heavy blankets denting our couches yearn for the day we can hop from bar to bar, savoring the luxury of the outdoor beer garden, the chance to renew old friendships face-to-face. We dance with excitement at the prospect of street festivals, outdoor concerts, trips to the beach or the zoo or the local state park, the Taste of Chicago, Venitian Night, Cubs games, Sox games, summer sports league play, museums and picnics in the park. We’ll pay any price, anything you ask, to spend an hour, a day, a weekend, enjoying these annual pleasures.

I thought the Christmas season would create a difficult climate for savings, but Spring is proving far more challenging. At least during the holidays, I could make a list for each gift, determine my limits and rationalize my spending patterns. Spring is more difficult because I don’t tend to spend money on material goods, rather, I spend more money on my free time. Because Spring and Summer in Chicago are… life. My fondest memories happen during these lazy months while the warm breeze tickles the skin and ice cream cools the palate. These seasons are what I spend the entire winter dreaming of.

I’ll look for great ideas and means to curb summer spending and pass them on to you. I increased my retirement and savings account monthly deductions (and just got a promotion) to compensate for the spending I anticipate this summer. I’ll continue to be conscious of every purchase decision, but I know that during the summer, for me, staying out that one extra hour for the extra laughter, the smells, the sights, the sounds… the priceless memories, is worth the cost.

(Please feel free to pass on any summer savings ideas you have to me. For instance, yesterday I went to the Morton Arboretum, where entry was free due to Arbor Day.)

Category: Old Posts


9 Responses to “Spring Fever”

  1. Anonymous
    May 2nd, 2005 @ 3:01 am

    Oh, the memories – I used to live in Chicago and miss a lot of the summer happenings there. My current town just isn’t the same.

    The only thing that worked for me – planning ahead. For example, if you’re planning a trip to Lincoln Park Zoo, eat a bag lunch in the park rather than eating the more expensive food in the zoo. Or, allot a certain amount to entertainment expenses per week, even if its more than in the winter, and stick to it.

    Above all, though, enjoy these moments. Financial planning and control is a good idea, but so is enjoying life. The trick is finding the best of both worlds.

  2. JLP
    May 2nd, 2005 @ 3:23 am

    I grew up in Kansas, which had four distinct seasons. I moved to South East Texas 13 years ago, which has two seasons: spring and summer. I miss the four seasons but I have to say that it has been lovely this spring. My garden looks pretty good and my lawn looks awesome.

    Keep the faith. It will be hot up there before you know it.



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