Spring Fever

It’s late April in Chicago. People who don’t have seasons may not understand the enormity of this situation. Late April means I will wear flip-flops even if it’s 40 degrees, I will grill outside even if I can see my breath rise from my lips, I will go to a baseball game dressed for a [...]

Save $2 Per Day

A quick note on how to make the office coffee bearable: Buy some ground cinnamon and a flavored creamer to keep around. I like Silk’s Hazelnut Creamer, but all the International Delights are also very good. The cinnamon will last for months, and only costs about two bucks. Combine ingredients with office coffee. Enjoy. You’ve [...]


The budgeting gods are displeased. I stubbed my toe on a table last night so hard that I can’t fit into my fabulous new shoes (or any shoes, for that matter). All I can do is look at them in my closet. It’s torture. And I’m limping. Sniffle, sob…

Drunkin’ Blogging

Hello from Chicago! After my great savings on Friday, I’ve become a spendaholic… but I’m OK with it, because I’ve been drinking German Chocolate Cake martinis at House of Blues. (Heaven in a glass, seriously.) Here’s how my weekend (and Monday) panned out: Saturday:Oh boy. I bought a pair of Kenneth Cole pointy black pumps [...]

Cheap Night

I’m proud of myself… Last night after work I went out for an extended happy hour and only spent $16.67 on drinks and dinner TOTAL! Woo hoo! First, the girls and I drank free wine at Hotel Allegro (I think they have free wine every Friday from 5-6 p.m. for guests). Of course, I worked [...]

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