Budgeting Babe in the Wall Street Journal

Posted on March 5, 2005 4 Comments

At first I thought he was joking.

I received an email from what looked like someone in sales talking about a great write up “The Budgeting Babe” received in the Wall Street Journal online. Considering how prestigious a “media hit” we in the public relations industry consider the Journal, I immediately scoffed and prepared to trash the note. But curiousity got the better of me, and after a quick search, I discovered that this site, along with many other excellent personal finance blogs, did indeed receive a great mention in Terri Cullen’s Fiscally Fit column.

Read the article here:

Inside you’ll find information about a lot of the sites linked to this page, from PFBlog to MyMoney Blog to Savvy Saver. Terri interviewed a few authors as well to get the inside perspective on why we blog.

As I’ve mentioned before, saving is much less interesting to talk about than spending. It’s a long, slow process, takes tons of dedication and doesn’t provide much excitement. But Kudos to all the authors mentioned in the article – many who I corresponded with when starting my blog. We’re getting there, slowly but surely, and getting noticed in the process!

Category: Media


4 Responses to “Budgeting Babe in the Wall Street Journal”

  1. Kali
    March 6th, 2005 @ 8:33 am

    Haha, it’s how I found your site like 3/4 days ago..

  2. Laura
    March 6th, 2005 @ 9:43 pm

    I found this site also from that article…which is very cool by the way. Keep it up I enjoyed reading so far…

    (fellow chicago girl who has budgeting troubles)

  3. Anonymous
    March 22nd, 2005 @ 4:18 pm

    I found it in the WSJ too!! HA! That is funny – it’s amazing how many people are looking to be savvy and frugal out there! And I thought I was the only one!!!

  4. Anonymous
    March 22nd, 2005 @ 6:40 pm

    I found your site in the WSJ, too! Thanks for the motivation. I’m a Carrie Bradshaw in recovery. ;)

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