In the Closet

Oh, I’ve gotten myself into the best dilemma – my everyday black mid-heel shoes broke…Now I HAVE to go shoe shopping! Yahoo! I trace my love of shoes back to my childhood; I used to hide out in grandma’s closet when in trouble or bored, place her shoes on my feet and hope no one [...]

Lunch plans?

Chicago Tribune’s Caroline Bigda gives us the nitty-gritty on how buying vs. bagging lunch every day can weigh down a budget. For those of you who read yesterday’s paper, the article was accompanied by a “budget breakdown” graphic…not sure why it’s not on the Web site.,0,1601027.story(Free subscription required to access article) I often rationalize [...]

Pet Peeve

Today, I intended to purchase one new night heat lamp for my turtle and a box of facial tissue. Two pet stores and one Target trip later, I returned home with: – New ‘chicken and egg’ flavored box turtle food…I thought it looked appetizing (Betsy’s not touching it)- A “Bug Catcher” bracelet for my cousin’s [...]

Are you financially grown up?

Here’s a great article from CNN Money asking what makes a person financially grown-up: Food for thought…

CDs – Not just for listening pleasure!

Thanks to everyone who brought to my attention just how poor my writing is when I complain and feel sorry for myself. Sometimes you need to hear it to believe it! I promise to stop whining, get back on the horse and continue to provide you all with useful financial information. That being said, I [...]

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