Adios 2004
I’m getting ready to hop on a bus to Peoria this morning to celebrate the New Year “in style” with my friends from college. We decided to hit Peoria this year because a few girls still live there (we all went to Bradley University) and it’s much cheaper than Chicago, where you might pay $150 [...]
New account update
I am finally able to access my Dec. 15 pay check at the new bank. Thank goodness that’s over. I wonder whether I’ll always be two weeks behind my pay schedule at Washington Mutual? I may have to investigate that. Cash machine, here I come! Oh, how I dread this month’s credit card bill. On [...]
Tsunami aid
For those of you who have budgeted financial donations into your end-of-the-year or holiday plans, here is a helpful link to organizations collecting aid for victims of the Indonesian tsunami: This link comes from CNN, which states the organizations are credible. Regardless, you should always do background research any organization before donating a financial [...]
Growing Up
Debt is a way of life for many Americans – this is a fact. Accumulation starts early; the average college student graduates with $18,900 in education loans, up 66 percent from 1997 (Nellie May Corporation, 2003). Car loans, mortgages, electronics and credit cards soon follow. According to, the average American family now carries $79,000 [...]
Going postal
The U.S. Postal Service is relatively user-friendly – with post offices, stamp machines, drop boxes everywhere and a Web site, sending mail should be easy. And yet, somehow, my electricity bill has been sitting in my purse without a stamp for three days. The only person I have to blame is myself. You see, I [...]
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