First Post! – The Budgeting Babe A babe on a budget, and a bullet proof one at that Thu, 14 Jun 2018 16:13:06 +0000 en hourly 1 First Post! – The Budgeting Babe 32 32 Welcome To The Budgeting Babe Fri, 08 Dec 2017 12:05:50 +0000 Hello and welcome! I’d like to be the very first one to introduce you to my brand new blog, The Budgeting Babe. I won’t go over too much about me in this post as you can find more about myself specifically on the about me page! What will this blog be about? Well, it seems like…

The post Welcome To The Budgeting Babe appeared first on The Budgeting Babe.

Hello and welcome! I’d like to be the very first one to introduce you to my brand new blog, The Budgeting Babe. I won’t go over too much about me in this post as you can find more about myself specifically on the about me page!

What will this blog be about?

Well, it seems like the name should speak for itself! I will be blogging on all things personal finance and investing related, although I will lean more towards the personal finance and frugality sort of thing. There are a ton of personal finance blogs out there, and I want this one to be special, not just your typical dime a dozen blog.

What will I write about?

The end goal of this blog will be to have you saving more than you are spending, but I won’t stop there. I will be teaching you what to do with that money after you’ve passed the first challenge of saving it wisely. That’s what we all save money for isn’t it? To one day retire and live the life we worked so hard for in our younger years?

I will also naturally be writing about just plain funny things, as I try to get into moods where I don’t take life as serious. If all I talked about was money saving and investing this blog would get so dry it would blow away!

When will you be posting?

I will try to post as often as I can, but as you can see from my about me page( and if you haven’t read it yet get on it!) I am a very busy person. Between my work,pets and relationship with my wonderful boyfriend my time is fairly occuppied. That being said, you’ll be hearing from me at least once every couple weeks I hope!


Thank you for coming to The Budgeting Babe. I hope if anything you leave this place with a better attitude about money.

The post Welcome To The Budgeting Babe appeared first on The Budgeting Babe.

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