Comments on: Purchase Updates A personal finance blog for career minded women with small budgets and big dreams. Tue, 29 May 2012 14:43:19 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ro X ana Ro X ana Thu, 08 Mar 2007 16:50:00 +0000 Great blog....more women financial types need to get out and blog about personal finance issues that are of interest to women, and look out for womens rights! Great blog….more women financial types need to get out and blog about personal finance issues that are of interest to women, and look out for womens rights!

By: Financeguide101 Financeguide101 Fri, 02 Mar 2007 07:38:00 +0000 Hi <a HREF="" REL="nofollow" rel="nofollow"> Nicole, </a><br/><br/>Shopping is your stress reliever :) well it was in your target budget so its good one.<br/><br/>Daniel,<br/><a HREF="" REL="nofollow" rel="nofollow"> Finance Guide 101 </a> Hi Nicole,

Shopping is your stress reliever :) well it was in your target budget so its good one.

Finance Guide 101

By: change is a good thing change is a good thing Tue, 27 Feb 2007 20:51:00 +0000 Wow, you got some great bargains! I want to go shopping with you! I never find stuff like that! Wow, you got some great bargains! I want to go shopping with you! I never find stuff like that!

By: Nicole Nicole Tue, 27 Feb 2007 20:11:00 +0000 Oh, I knew that you were kidding ... Just wanted to call you on it! I wouldn't be The Budgeting Babe if I didn't. Apology accepted :) And thanks for the hottie compliment! Appreciate the post. Oh, I knew that you were kidding … Just wanted to call you on it! I wouldn’t be The Budgeting Babe if I didn’t. Apology accepted :) And thanks for the hottie compliment! Appreciate the post.

By: Anonymous Anonymous Tue, 27 Feb 2007 06:27:00 +0000 Sorry Nicole, I didn't mean to imply you couldn't or shouldn't become an investment banker. I was just kidding around recommending you should marry into money since you're hot. <br/><br/>Susan, I'm a guy not a girl. By the way I think it's good that you women are taking care of your finances. Too many girls I know live just like Carrie, spending way to much on way to little of a salary. You just end up digging yourself into a bigger and bigger hole that one day you can't get out of. Sorry Nicole, I didn’t mean to imply you couldn’t or shouldn’t become an investment banker. I was just kidding around recommending you should marry into money since you’re hot.

Susan, I’m a guy not a girl. By the way I think it’s good that you women are taking care of your finances. Too many girls I know live just like Carrie, spending way to much on way to little of a salary. You just end up digging yourself into a bigger and bigger hole that one day you can’t get out of.

By: Susan Susan Tue, 27 Feb 2007 02:05:00 +0000 Nicole, don't worry about "anon"s comments. She is missing the point: that you know how to strike a healthy balance and take financial responsibility for yourself. <br/><br/>I love, love, love Target and wish there were one more readily accessible from my apartment. Someone once said that it has a $100 "Target tax," meaning you can never without spending at least that much. So true! Nicole, don’t worry about “anon”s comments. She is missing the point: that you know how to strike a healthy balance and take financial responsibility for yourself.

I love, love, love Target and wish there were one more readily accessible from my apartment. Someone once said that it has a $100 “Target tax,” meaning you can never without spending at least that much. So true!

By: Nicole Nicole Mon, 26 Feb 2007 17:52:00 +0000 Ha ha. While I love the social lives of the women on SATC, I know that it would be foolish of me to mimic them. Read on! I think you'll find I'm pretty different. <br/><br/>Also, I think it's interesting that you say I should "marry" an investment banker instead of become one. Not the kind of advice I'd give! Women are totally capable and marriages aren't permanent in today's world. Ha ha. While I love the social lives of the women on SATC, I know that it would be foolish of me to mimic them. Read on! I think you’ll find I’m pretty different.

Also, I think it’s interesting that you say I should “marry” an investment banker instead of become one. Not the kind of advice I’d give! Women are totally capable and marriages aren’t permanent in today’s world.

By: Anonymous Anonymous Mon, 26 Feb 2007 04:41:00 +0000 I just wanted to say you're a hottie!<br/><br/>Nice blog too. But one piece of financial advice from an investment banker in New York around your same age -- don't try to mimic the women on SATC. This city is full of them and they usually end up old and alone. The only other advice I can offer is if you want to be in a position where money isn't a problem marry an investment banker. :) I just wanted to say you’re a hottie!

Nice blog too. But one piece of financial advice from an investment banker in New York around your same age — don’t try to mimic the women on SATC. This city is full of them and they usually end up old and alone. The only other advice I can offer is if you want to be in a position where money isn’t a problem marry an investment banker. :)
